Sunday, July 20, 2008


Remove one question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged.
1. At what age you wished to marry
when i'm ready??? you play any instruments?
yeap..just a little guitar
3. Do you smoke?
no..never was and never will!!...i swear
4. What is the latest gadget that you own?
hmm..i can't remember
5. Who did you mostly texted yesterday?
bryan, manojh and thana
6. are you attached or looking?
not attached. not looking. but available XP
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
i'm saving money...XD
8. Chocolates , Oreo or Vanilla?
9. Where do you wish to get married?
a grand ballroom with a huge chandelier and millions of people!!
10. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by love?
you tell me...
11. How many kids do you want?
2 or 3??...we'll see..
12.What is your full name?
JasoN Kuan WerN YaNg
13. Name the latest book you bought?
how would i know?!?!
14. Do you prefer mother or father?
having both, i'm already happy.
15.who are you missing right now?
my friends
16.Name the first person that came into ur mind.
lots of people...
17. The most exciting place you want to go?
no idea
18. What is your favourite colour?
blue black white
19.Do you believe in God?
how can i ever say no???...absolutely!!!!
20. What are you doing right now?

1 comment:

shereensaw said...

i've report this meme in my blog =P

sher reen