Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Limit

There are times when thinking hard just isn't enough. But I don't think enough is the word for it, more like, its not it. Successful requires you to think outside of the box, some simply can't do it most of the time. Well, least they think so, I think so. Then I start to wonder if there is this possibility of training your mind to have that mentality, which may sound absurd because I proceed to wonder about those little smart kids having that ability  as they were born that way. Talent, they say. In some cases you are trained, the rest are just opportunity grabbers. For hard-work, you could combine everything and you get "grabbing every chance to train to be where you want to be". Then I take into consideration IQ level, this short story called "Flowers For Algernon" basically proved the standards of intelligence when compared to another, based on the IQ level. The story of Charlie Gordon unable to see more than just an ink blot to criticizing his own doctors that carried out an operation to increase his IQ level by a milestone. I've started to apply the "They are so smart" statement on people with such ability and probably cautioned to what I was saying.

College has been treating me well alright, in a way that I can't even explain. But I know I have a foundation to build, and its not something you could excel at without much consideration of logical reasoning and hard-work. I sometimes consider this as practice, but it may be too costly to my future to fail this "practice" or even call it one. It is also safe to say how 2012 has made the past 17 years or so of my life pretty insignificant and very definitely, a wake up call. I can't complain, I won't either, I guess this is what life has to offer me, this is what life is and I proudly accept whatever comes with as much belief as I could possibly foster. :)