Tuesday, July 29, 2008

ppl around me..XD

1.The last person to tag you is?
zzz..can't remember..i'll just list a random somebody..carmen kong..XD

2.What relationship of you with him/her?
best friends!!..haha

3.Your 5 impression towards him/her


4.The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you??.
well..allot i guess..

5.The most memorable words that he/she has say to you
"jason, you so cute la" wahaha!!

6.If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
theres a 4 year age difference..lol

7.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
i will not belive that can ever happen

8.If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
getting younger..X)

9.If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
not reasonable..XD

10.The most desirable things to do for he/she is?
i don't know??...

11.The overall impression to he/her is
a nice friend..=)

12.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
not bothering...

13.The character for you for yourself is?
i wanna be tall ,strong and charming..=P

14.On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
you tell me..XD

15.The most ideal person you want to be is?
everyones idol..XP.that can never happen..haha

16.For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them
considered that they like me...they're the best people i've ever meet..XD

17.Ten people to tag;
1.justin lee

2.carmen kong
3.crystal chow
6.jamie chen
7. shenai
8.seok yeng
10. myself..hehe

18.Who is number 2 having relationship with?
hmm..no idea..XP

19.Is number 3 a female or male?
Female :)

20.If number 7 and 10 be together would it be a good thing?
EEEKK!!! considered that a no way..haha..but shes a good friend..=)

21.How about number 5 and 8?
sherilyn and seok yeng??..they're from two different worlds..i guess..=P

22.What is number 1 studying about?
studying his life..XD

23.When was the last time you had a chat with them?
1.justinlee, last night..was texting him..lol

2.carmen kong, sunday..was texting her too..haha
3.crystal chow, two weeks ago...sad sad..
4.weishya, few weeks ago.even sad..=(
5.sherilyn, an hour ago...haha
6.jamie chen, few days ago..hahha
7. shen ai, just now at msn

24.Is number 4 a single?
weishya???..don't know wor..

25.talk something about 2
shes 18..i know her from the temple..and shes nice..X)

1 comment:

~Mun Mun~ said...

Aww..so sweet..lolx...I miss you too la..like havent seen u in ages..lolx..XD