Friday, May 14, 2010

Your Call

The curtains open, as I stood there with my guitar.. watching the spotlight shine on me.
"waiting for your.. call i'm sick.. call i'm angry.."
and they would pressure a singing piano in.. the house with only one corner.

I walked into a room where the sun and moon, looked mixed up together..
But it was just moonlight, just a moonlight..
Shining right at an angel, on a swing, she was glowing..
straight through my heart.
"I was born.. to tell you i love you.."

I am new, I am fresh
Lightning seemed so far away, but I see it.. striking into me.
With the winds of tomorrow breezing within my veins, my flesh.
Damn, i see millions of people..they look desperate for something..
i can't identify them..
"Whats your fantasy?!"

But you, you're the only one i see..
I see you.. fading.. fading into a tunnel of darkness.. i chase after you.
Don't go, don't go.. too far..
"I'm tired, of being all alone.. and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home"

I see dark stones, and your shadow, so pure..
By then, I was standing outside.. only the spot where i'm standing..
Is where the light is.. but the real light.. is missing..
Where are you?

I found myself singing my heart out.. my soul within.. to you.
With the echoes all around me..
Can you hear me, can you hear my sincerity?

Stay with me, tonight.

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