Monday, May 31, 2010

Pretty Face

Have i ever told you, i'm inspired? Yeah.. Its because of the stories i've been hearing so often that i was inspired.. in both the good and bad ways. My sun sets and inspiration never stops coming on, and on.. and on.

I can tell from your soft voices and your mind that has fooled you, i was deceived. Those stories, like vanilla ice cream.. Melting down to white blood, pure white blood.. Then it becomes like fire burning under the rain, deadly silent rain.

I couldn't believe it though, my attention was drawn to one way, one matter. Maybe i would disappear, i didn't wanna disappear..
Maybe i should just ignore since its night.. its tonight..
Maybe i'll just go back to the start.. where i played a better part

The start.. the end, doesn't makes sense.
I only wanted to see the sweetest of smiles that pleased me, but its hidden.. down inside. Seconds keep moving, but i see faces that tears me apart.

Tell me your stories, i'll tell you mine..
Tell me your secrets, i'll share with you mine..
Sing your melody, i'll sing along..
Play your game, i'll play along.. cause its fun. :)

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