Friday, March 27, 2009

I Saw Stars

PJ- 46 sit-ups + 48 push ups, one minute each.
Football, field- what was it, it who dug in my thigh somehow managed to cut out my skin, enough to have a good view of my meat , what completely strange happened that it didn't tear my school pants, plus i only felt as though i just got a cut, not knowing a chunk of skin from my thigh was gone and a little more was still there, getting ready to be a dead skin. Untill recess, i was changing into my uniform, and then Thana gasped loudly and couldn't believe what he saw from my thigh, blood was around it, thankfully not rapidly flowing out and a mini-hole there.
Sending shivers down my spine, no pain at all felt!! Washed it with a little water and a pluster over it, an attempt to stop it from getting infected or continue bleeding.
I fainted!

Fell for it? :DD

I didn't faint, why should i when theres not much pain felt? the skin hanging was a little black, caused by the blood Mr.Doctor said(Thana was right!) School pants had a quite a lot of blood on it.Parents went nagging on stuff like karma got you back and blabbering on and on. Mr.Doctor virtually used a scissors to sliced the dead skin off
, no pain!! just a small hole on my thigh. There you go, highlight of the day. :)
Owh yea, don't expect a picture or you might faint/vomit/scream..

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