Friday, July 10, 2009


I shall announce you should be at least more than 3-quarter awake to scroll this down, shouldn't you not? :)
If I were compare all three Teen Dhamma Camps I've been to, this, was extraordinary in some way. It is in this type of situation that you might drop your jaw, hee..

Dear Anonymous,
I greatly failed unintentionally to your second task. As for the first, well, I can't tell. X)
*evil laugh*

Then again, Jason Kuan never can resist looking at a DSLR sitting there all alone calling his name.
Don't be surprised, I stole it.

Jun Keat, trust me, it wasn't a single bit easy for me to imitate you as much.
But i made our name famous, don't I? :)

I wouldn't complain doing about 5 dishes at home but for 100 people?!
It built up my biceps.

They make you hungry,
They make you wait,
They feed you full,
They make you do the dishes,
Yeah, that's their plan.

I would call him Jaxon the optimistic, as he would say to himself:

I would say to myself:
"Sexay ladiess! here THEY come!"

Whenever i spot a camera pointing at me, my mind can't stop me from ignoring it, though.
What does this mean, huh?

Owh yeah, I'm an outstanding poser, It is proven. ;)

"Hey camera, i can't take my eyes off of you, don't you know how attractive you are?"

It is this advantage of having a fit body than others that I can just do it, mwahaha!!

I'm just so good at this game, i forgotten how many committees were there, I wonder where did that extra one committee went. :D

Hah! i frog jump the best!

The mighty Red Harlequin, and the fact that i couldn't believe we can win it all.
Honestly, I did once lost hope, but, thank you guys, each of you served a purpose.
And they just made me think twice of being one of the committees. :)

I present to you participants of TDC11, rational than ever.

Did I?
If so, it is perfect?

Au Revoir,
I can do more, now.