Sunday, March 13, 2011


.. and then a surprise comes along. Before you forget who you are, you already forgotten who you were. There comes a time in life where a friend from the past finds you in what you used to be, unfortunately they have no idea of what you are now. I present to you some of my classmates from my primary schooling years.


Jen ning and Hui Herng.

As you glance through every single picture you were in, you start to have nostalgic memories that makes you wonder what was going through your mind there, and whatever happened at that time, you wouldn't remember. Your thoughts are just so different now.


From left: Chee Shern, Jason, Guang Li and Hui herng.
Yeah, that was during graduation.
This was when I was 7.


Primary was childish alright.

Now you just have to realise how much you have grown.


Oh man, pictures will last forever.


Unknown said...

eh? You also have bright yellow pants!! (Y)

Jason said...

my brother's! HAHAH

Unknown said...

(Y) Continue to wear them hahahhaha it makes you shine :D