Monday, April 28, 2008


th bird that i was gonna release
th fish that i was gonna release

-sunday was the day i've been waiting for...L.I.B(life is beautiful), my bro and sis left the house for SJBA about 7.00am....oh well...we were told to be there b4 7... when we reached there...we saw lots of familiar faces..not old frens....but frens we don't see everyday..=).....we were divided into erm 5 groups!!...7 in a group.....i was in the group samadhi...means we played a little ice breaking games....then the bus arrived....around then we left SJBA for mines!!....the amithaba buddist society..

-so there were mines....after putting our bags aside...we played another ice-breaking game..=.=....where everyone has a ingredient to make a burger....and i got cheese!!! all 7 different ingredients must find a group to make a burger....kinda disorderd of what we the game ended.. XD

-then there was a talk by bro. tan...if i'm not mistaken...he's a very wise man....taught us lot of moral values....well..i didnt' listen to all that he said... X)....then i spotted crystal holding a bird that was couldn't fly nor walk...kesian crystal....the bird passed away.. sobs.....

-after the talk we were ready to free the birds and fishes....well...not just throw them them freedom to live..unlike the poor bird...had no chance to be free....each of us found a partner and took a cage of birds comtaining 5 birds a cage....i was with ah fei.. XD....the bad news was...there were crows around wanting to eat the small we chased them away b4 we released them...we only had one round to release the bird...whereas...the fishes on the other hand.... we had to take several rounds to release all of the fishes....i took 5 rounds..=)...some took 3 or less or more...XD....after releasing them...we also fed them with piece of bread finishes in 5 seconds!!..imagine how hunry are they in that pond....

-then it was lunch kinda hungry....after eating one box os rice..i was still a little just drink water was the cure..=)......after lunch....we played a wonderful game "amazing race"..L.I.B edition =D.....evrybody is given their 1st task....i don't know bout the other groups...but we got cafeteria....where we were given a watermelon..wihout a knife nor sharp carmen was delighted to throw the watermelon down the floor to break it into half..haha....lucky we got ah we finished it in around 5 minutes....then our next clue was given...

-when we opened the envolope...we saw a "no smoking" sign....we went to the place where the sign was placed and we saw yvonne....with a plastic full of 1sen coins....we were told to calculate the amount of money inside in ringgit!!! we decided to put 10 sens a row and counted the money...we calculated RM8.02 sens....the right amount was RM8.00 so yvonne just sent us to daniel..where we had a choice to throw paper aeroplanes or fold 30 origamis..not sure bout the spelling..=)...our team chossed the folding as carmen knew how to fold it...we took 20 minutes to fold 30 ogfthem...i daniel gave us our next task....where we saw a sign of a helicopter we ran to the helicopter landing spot...where we saw yee leong...we were told to bling fold the other six of the group and one has to guide them through the game ot pick up a pable on the grass around the landing carmen led us through...

-then we were given our next task...where we found peihao..=D....we were given wires to pick up marbles in a peal filled with person has to pick up one we twisted our wires into a pencil shaped so that it will be easier to pick the marbles by one picks the marble up..and were done we went to yeh vin..where we had to think of 60 words out of the pharse " life is beautiful"......ugh...we took about 15minutes i guess to find 60 words....

-then we were down to our second last task where we find jun keat telling us to use straws...two wires, a tissue and toothpick to make an egg float in a wasn't easy....we took about 10minutes to figure it out...and it floated!!!...woo-hoo...all done except one more where we find crystal ......she gave us 7 papers and told us to draw 42 smiley faces!!!...and each one has to be different...!! we decided to draw our team mates faces in animation mode..=D....then we were done!!!!!......we were the third to reach adrain..the we grabbed thrid are the placing:

1. pana(wisdom)





more pics coming up.... XD

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