Monday, November 8, 2010

A Halloween

Its not everyday that these schoolmates of mine get together and rock a party, if I may assume, its the second party we really enjoyed, a Halloween party. I never thought I'd get the chance to go around strangers' houses and scream trick or treat while they fill your bags up with a handful of candy, well I thought right, I forgot to grab some while behind the camera. As we laze around the Sunway neighbourhood with funky, scary, funny, crazy and interesting costumes, you can always expect the best of spontaneous acts.

Ee Shen as Vincent Chong.

Jen Ning as The Joker.

Eu Gene as.. hollow man?

Nazmi as.. Osama bin Laden?
and many, many more potential characters.

You can picture the chaos and jokes these amusing people make when they all gather up.
Especially blending in with the Halloween season.

Our host, Bryan Guan. :D

I guess it takes the enthusiasm and that sporting attitude from everyone to really have fun, I definitely had an awesome time. We should do this more for this school holidays. Click here for the full album. :)

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