Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For Once Of A World

Slowing down, is not exactly asking you to hold back what you're doing, its simply a request for a little time to think, for yourself and hopefully, others too. When the song goes crazy, when the screaming begins, when the fists start to fly, when you just want to crumple and think it'll help, when everything around you, has gone upside down. What are you to do?

To think, swiftly and silently, is to be wise.
I want to think about this, and when I am thinking about this, I want to know, and when I am on my way to knowing, I should make a move, or don't move at all. Think about how much my mind can take, how much I can take before I feel like I need a rest. But I know, I can take more than I am capable of.

I am picturing a world now.
My decisions proves my actions.
My thoughts expose effortless effort.
The world is supposed to be far better than this.
This is all balanced, before I unbalance it, for the sake of progress.

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