Saturday, August 21, 2010

On My Own

Who would know what we're really feeling, when you don't?

I figured to have the ability to actually maximize the picture within your own mind.
Your mind is just too hard and sometimes.. too easy, too good to be true.
Reality is, reality is too good to be true even when you think you're used to it.
When you think you're used to that situation,
you probably won't even have time to go forth and embrace that extreme moment.
That extreme moment where you expect it to really last just for a while.
Just for you to grab a mirror and look at what you're experiencing.
But you simply have no time for all that, you fall into a shallow coloured realm and forgot.
Forgotten where you were, and what you're doing.

Only eyes that're not yours can see it.. no, only eyes that're not there, eyes from another view.
When those two angles meet, the victim and the observer, they see what's from there.
The only way you'd remember whatever had happened..
is when you lie in bed tonight, and you think what have you done.

By then, you're the observer for yourself, aren't you?

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